Monday, February 20, 2012


For Christmas we headed over to Utah to spend time with our family. We got to see lots of friends and family and have pictures to prove it!

We got to see the Bills for a few quick minutes. This is a picture with Haleigh, who has self-appointed herself as Maddie's Godmother. Yeah, I think you can do that.

We saw our good friends Jesse and Jessica and went to see the temple lights. They will soon have a little rug rat of their own!

Family picture.

Another family picture. These are of special note because these might be the only pictures we have taken together with all three of us.

Ugh, bad lighting from behind. Otto got finally got his finisher's jacket!!

Grandma and Grandpa Carroll. Hmmm... one of these things is not like the other.

And the biggest news of the season... Baby Hazel is here! She is so beautiful.

Only got to spend a few minutes with Janelle. :( But at least Hudson and Madeline got to meet. They even managed to coordinate their striped Christmas outfits.

The first meeting...

We spent Christmas Eve day with Grandma Laura and Tish. M got lots of presents!

Grandpa Tish.

Maddie in her hat, coat and mittens made by Grandma Judy. Boots made by Mama Brenna.
Ugh, I am terrible. We also spent Christmas day with Otto's family but I didn't take any pictures! What's wrong with me? Well, it happened and it was perfect! So great to see everyone and of course Grandma Jaelann spoiled everyone rotten. Such a fun day.
That was our holiday. My New Year's resolution is to take more pictures of our family. Ummm... that may have been my resolution last year but I really mean it this time. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. It's okay that you didn't get any pictures of our family. It happens a lot. I think it is because it is so chaotic. I didn't hardly get any this year either. I totally forgot until eveyone had opened their presents. Cute pics though. Thanks for updating. Love you guys.
