Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Summer 2012

I am sitting at a hotel in Huntsville, sneaking around the room while Maddie naps. I thought now would be a good time to update since once we are in our house I'm pretty sure it will be at least another three to four months before I even think about updating. Maybe I am using the word "update" incorrectly because really I am going to go way far back and post about things that happened many months ago. So let's catch-up...

Maddie had a birthday! In July. She turned one. Look at this delicious from scratch carrot cake I made her. No, she didn't eat any that day because she got frosting on her hand and she was unable to continue after that. She is so much like Otto is scares me. Anyway, she ate some the next day sans frosting and all was well. Success!

Now let's talk about something really important. My birthday. My parents came out to celebrate the occasion and we went down to Pikes Peak and rode the train up to the top. Over 14,000 feet in elevation, yikes! It was really fun and beautiful and the only downside was Maddie had to sit still for about 45 minutes one way which is almost impossible for her. That's her and Otto before departure. So squirm squirm squirm blah blah blah...
We made it to the top! You only get like a half an hour up there before the train heads down so what would you do if you had limited time to spend somewhere? Yep, wait in line for special high altitude donuts and french fries. Maddie happily partook of both.
Look at our cute little family! Maddie still eating... then we headed back down. It was freezing at the top, by the way, so it was kind of nice to head back down. So squirm squirm squirm blah blah blah...
We made it back to the bottom. This picture of  Maddie's face is one of my favorites of all time. What an adorable, round-headed goof! I love it.
Well, until I upload more pics to the computer from my phone/camera here are some random shots showing what trouble Maddie was into this summer. 



  1. I am so glad you posted some recent pics of Maddie. I'm working on the family calendar and didn't really have any cute ones of her. Now if you could post some of you and her or Otto and her or you and Otto. I could use pics of you and Otto too. :-) thanks for posting. She is her adorable self in every picture. Love you guys

  2. Oh Brenna! She is getting so big! I love that you still think your birthday is most important!

  3. You need to update! Geez. Maddie doesn't even look the same anymore!
