Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Henry's Birth Story

We went into the hospital to be induced at 5 AM on Tuesday morning. Did you know it's hard to sleep when you know you're going to have a baby the next morning? I only slept 3 hours and then couldn't go back to sleep so I went and got ready and put some laundry and things away before we left. We got there at 5 and they started me on pitocin around 6 AM and contractions started almost immediately. They were bearable for the first couple hours but around 9 AM they were starting to get pretty intense. It took them a while to get the epidural after I requested it, and it was awful! I never want to have a natural childbirth. It might have been worse because I had no idea with how to deal with the pain and also I was having them every 30 seconds. I think the lack of any recovery time and anticipation of another one coming right away made it even worse. Anyway, a little leprechaun finally came and gave me the goods. It took him forever to be able to get it where it needed to be and it was so hard to sit still through all the contractions. Luckily, he got it done and they checked me immediately after and I was dilated to a 7. That's why it hurt so bad! They numbed me up pretty good and I couldn't feel anything. I didn't like that at all. With Maddie I was still able to move on my own and feel a light pressure with contractions but I literally could not do anything on my own. The doctor came to check me around 11:30 and I guess I was ready to go because he broke my water then we started pushing right away. It was hard to push since I couldn't feel anything but apparently I was doing it because at noon exactly out came little Henry Jacob! He is perfect. He looks a lot like Maddie but with a different nose.

We spent 2 days in the hospital. I was able to nurse him the first day but the day after he was born I ran out of milk. The lactation consultant kept telling me all these ways I could try and breast feed and formula feed but they were all really complicated. After our experience with Maddie and trying to do both I didn't even want to try. It was a lot of work and completely exhausting and painful to only get one measly ounce of breast milk a day. So Otto and I decided to do formula right then and there and we have never made a better decision. Babies are so much more enjoyable when they get enough food! He is also so cuddly and calm and only cries when he wants to eat and when he gets his diaper changed. Man, he HATES getting his diaper changed. He loves being held and I love holding him. He also sleeps pretty well in his pack-n-play and will sleep in it all night... Except after his last feeding when I bring him into bed with us just because I like having him there. I am recovering so much better this time so that has helped too. My mom and dad are going to take Maddie for 10 days until we pick her up on fourth of July and I will miss her so much but I think it will be good to get rested up before I jump into the life of taking care of 2 kids on my own. Maddie has done so well with him, she is so helpful and loves to give him kisses and see where he is and what he's doing. She does feel a little neglected sometimes and wants us to hold her whenever we hold him but other than that she has been great. And now... some pictures!

This was the night before we went in, our last picture as a family of 3!
 After the epidural...
 Oh, sweet cherry popsicle. How delicious you were. How hungry I was.
 We couldn't get him to keep that one eye open. We took like 20 pictures and it was closed in all of them.
 Proud Grandma.
 Proud mom.
 Maddie holding him for the first time and giving him kisses.
 Home at last.
 He is so adorable!


  1. So so so happy for you Brenna and Otto! Hopefully we can have babies too! Both your kids are so adorable! You make such a wonderful family together! Lots of love!

  2. Thanks for posting pitures. He is adorable. You guys do good work. Don't worry about posting too many. :-)

  3. Thank you for sharing Breanna! I'm Heather and I have a question about your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
