I take over a billion pictures a day with my phone so here is a small collection of the recent mischief Maddie has been up to. And by "recent" I mean over 2 months ago. If you know her really well you can tell the more current pictures by how much hair she has.
She kept those glasses on almost the whole walk!
At the park.
There's no table too small to poop under.
Grandpa and Maddie on St. Patrick's Day.
Uggggh she loves the fridge.
Back when she used to be afraid of grass. She held this position for at least 2 minutes because she was scared to move.
Day at the zoo.
This is what she looks like when she smiles.
She is almost a year! She likes to...
Point at everything
Throw tantrums when she doesn't get her way
Get chased by dad
Chase dad
Open and shut anything
Yell really loud
Have yelling contests with mom
Say "Ba ba" instead of "Mama"
Swim at the pool
Dance anytime there is music, even church hymns
Climb stairs
Stand up and take a few steps
Play peek-a-boo
Steal toys from other babies
Go somewhere alone where she can poop (usually under a table)
Cry when anyone leaves and shuts the door
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